About Us
Throughout this journey she also made some life choices and those would also impact the way her products are made. This would include the use of vegetable or plant base products as she became a vegetarian in 2020 and also the use of natural ingredients.
The choice to start on Etsy was a no brainer since it was the market for a lot of persons who create handmade products and it was also a great way to get her name out here. Eventually the move to having her own website was very rewarding as this opened up a whole new channel for her buyers.
For any business owner there is a long list of things she would like to do, but for now being able to create skin products for both men and women and see the rewards of their glowing skin is enough.
She creates Youtube videos of products she makes and post on Instagram when it's possible. Loving what she does and coming up with new products are things she looks forward to.
Hopefully these products can bring you as much joy as she enjoys making them. Thank you for browsing her website and supporting her small business. Even if you don't buy but you know someone who might be interested, don't forget to share.
Thank you for being a part of this journey and the Blaque Phoenix Creations family!